{title: Since the last goodbye} {subtitle: Alan Parsons Project} {define: B/A base-fret 0 frets x 0 4 4 4 2} {define: A/E base-fret 0 frets 0 0 2 2 2 0} {define: Dm6/F base-fret 0 frets 1 0 0 2 0 1} {define: Gm6/D base-fret 2 frets x x 0 3 5 3} {define: E/D base-fret 2 frets x x 0 4 5 4} {define: D/F# base-fret 0 frets 2 0 0 2 3 2} [A] The [A]hours, the minutes seem to [B/A]fly and since the last good[Dm/A]bye you and I came a [A]long way. The nights, too short to fill with [B/A]sleep or fallin' in too [Dm/A]deep seem so far away [A]now. [Cm]Memories, all we share bet[Gm]ween us everything we [D/F#]were, [Dm6/F]all that we re[A/E]main. But [Em]memories somehow came bet[Bm]ween us breaking up two [A]minds that were [Dm6/F]one and the [A]same [Dm6/F] The years are moments passing by no time to wonder why you and I went the wrong way. The days too short to fill with dream or question what it means are a part of me now Remember all the leaves are falling walking hand in hand, standing in the rain. Remember distant voices calling Whispers in the [A]dark, I can [Dm6/F]hear them [A]again..[A7]. {soc} [D]Since the last good[E/D]bye it's all the [Gm6/D]wrong way [D]round. [D]Since the last good[E/D]bye it's all the [Gm6/D]wrong way [D]round. {eoc} Memories, all we share between us everything we were, all that we remain. But memories somehow came between us breaking up two [A]minds that were [Dm6/F]one and the [A]same [A7] {comment: chorus twice}