# From: steve.johnson@his.com {t:Millworker} {st:James Taylor} {define A/D base-fret 1 frets x x 0 2 2 0} {define G/D base-fret 3 frets x x 0 2 1 1} {define Csus2 base-fret 1 frets x 3 x 0 3 x} {define G6/B base-fret 1 frets x 2 x 0 3 x} {define Gm/Bb base-fret 1 frets x 1 x 0 3 x} {define A7sus4 base-fret 1 frets x 0 2 0 3 0} {define C(add9) base-fret 1 frets x 3 2 0 3 0} {define C/D base-fret 1 frets x x 0 0 1 0} [D] [C/D] [D] [D]Now my [A/D]grandfather was a [D]sailor, he [G/D]blew in off the [A/D]water [D]My father was a [A/D]farmer and I[G/D], his only dau[A/D]ghter, [D]took up with a n[A/D]o-good millworking ma[G/D]n from Massachu[A/D]setts who [D]dies from too much [A/D]whiskey and [G/D]leaves me these three [A/D]faces to f[D]eed [D] [Csus2] [G6/B] [A7sus4] [A/D]Mill-work ain't ea[D]sy; [G/D]mill-work ain't [A/D]hard [D]Mill-work, it ain't [A/D]nothing but an [G/D]awful boring [A/D]job I'm [D]waiting for a [A/D]day dream to [G/D]take me through the [A/D]morning and [D]put me in my c[A/D]offee break where [G/D]I can have a [A/D]sandwich and re[D]member Then it's [C(addD)]me and my machine for the [G6/B]rest of the morning for the [Gm/Bb]rest of the afternoon [A7sus4] and the rest of my l[D]ife [C/D] [D] [C/D] Now my mind begins to wander to the days back on the farm I can see my father smiling at me, swingin' on his arm I can hear my grand-dad's stories of the storms out on Lake Erie where vessels and cargos and fortunes and sailor's lives were lost Yes, but it's my life has been wasted, and I have been the fool to let this manufacture use my body for a tool. I can ride home in the evening, staring at my hands swearing by my sorrow that a young girl ought to stand a better chance So [C(addD)]may I work the mills just as [G6/B]long as I am able and [Gm/Bb]never meet the man whose [A7sus4]name is on the label[D] It be [C(addD)]me and my machine for the [G6/B]rest of the morning for the [Gm/Bb]rest of the afternoon [A7sus4] and the rest of my l[D]ife [C/D] [D] [C/D]