{t:Streets of London} {st:Ralph McTell} {textsize:10} {chordsize:8} # H[D]ave you seen the [A]old man By the cl[Hm]osed down m[F#m]arket K[G]icking up the p[D]apers with his w[E7]orn out sh[A]oes [D]In his eyes you'll s[A]ee no pride H[Hm]and held loosely b[F#m]y his side [G]Yesterday's p[D]aper, telling y[A7]esterday's n[D]ews. {soc} So h[G]ow can you t[D]ell me that you're lo[A7]ne-l[Hm]y [E7]And say for you the sun don't sh[A7]ine L[D]et me take you b[A]y the hand And l[Hm]ead you through the str[F#m]eets of London [G]I'll show you s[D]omething to m[A7]ake you change your m[D]ind. {eoc} H[D]ave you seen the [A]old girl Who w[Hm]alks the streets of L[F#m]ondon D[G]irt in her h[D]air and her cl[E7]othes all in r[A]ags Sh[D]e's no time for t[A]alking She just k[Hm]eeps right on w[F#m]alking C[G]arrying her h[D]ome in tw[A7]o carrier b[D]ags. [D]In the all night c[A]afe At a q[Hm]uarter past el[F#m]even S[G]ame old m[D]an sitting th[E7]ere on his [A]own L[D]ooking at the w[A]orld over the r[Hm]im of his t[F#m]eacup [G]each tea lasts an h[D]our and he w[A7]anders home al[D]one H[D]ave you seen the [A]old man outs[Hm]ide the seamen's m[F#m]ission M[G]emory fading with the m[D]edal r[E7]ibbon that he w[A]ears [D]in our winter c[A]ity The rain cr[Hm]ies a little p[F#m]ity for one m[G]ore forgotten h[D]ero In a w[A7]orld that doesn't c[D]are. #