#148 {title:Sounds of Silence} {st:Paul Simon} H[Am]ello darkness my old fri[G]end, I've come to talk with you ag[Am]ain. Because a vi[C]sion softl[F]y creep[C]ing Left it's seed while I w[F]as sleep[C]ing, And the vis[F]ion that was planted in my br[C]ain Still rem[Am]ains Wit[C]hin the s[G]ounds of si[Am]lence. [Am]In restless dreams I walked al[G]one, Narrow streets of cobble st[Am]one. 'Neath the h[C]alo of [F]a street l[C]amp, I turned my collar to the c[F]old and d[C]amp, When my [F]eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon l[C]ight That split the n[Am]ight And t[C]ouched the [G]sounds of si[Am]lence. [Am]And in the naked light I [G]saw Ten thousand people, maybe m[Am]ore. People talking [C]witho[F]ut speak[C]ing, People hearing with[F]out listen[C]ing, People [F]writing songs that voices never sh[C]ared, And no one d[Am]ared Dist[C]urb the [G]sounds of si[Am]lence. "[Am]Fools!" said I, "you do not [G]know, Silence like a cancer gr[Am]ows. Hear my words that [C]I m[F]ight teach [C]you, Take my arms that I m[F]ight reach [C]you." But my w[F]ords like silent raindrops [C]fell... And ech[Am]oed [C]in the [G]wells of si[Am]lence. [Am]And the people bowed and pr[G]ayed To the neon gods they m[Am]ade. And the sign flashed [C]out [F]its warn[C]ing, In the words that it [F]was form[C]ing, And the sign said, "The w[F]ords of the prophets are written on the subway [C]walls And tenement h[Am]alls." And wh[C]ispered in the [G]sounds of si[Am]lence. # # Submitted to the ftp.nevada.edu:/pub/guitar archives # by Steve Putz # 7 September 1992