# From: Harlan L Thompson {t:Days} {st:The Kinks} [D]Thank you for the days[A] Those end[G]less d[D]ays, those sac[G]red d[D]ays you g[A]ave [D]me I'm t[D]hinkin' of the days[A] I wo[G]n't fo[D]rget a s[G]ingle d[D]ay bel[A]ieve [D]me I ble[G]ssed the l[D]ight I bl[G]essed the l[D]ight that shin[G]es on yo[D]u bel[A]ieve [D]me And th[G]ough you're g[D]one You're wi[G]th me ev[D]ery si[G]ngle d[D]ay beli[A]eve [D]me {c:CHORUS:} D[Bb]ays I'll rem[F]ember all my l[C]ife D[Bb]ays when you c[F]an't see wrong from ri[C]ght You t[Bb]ook my li[F]fe But t[Bb]hen I kn[F]ew that v[Bb]ery so[F]on you'd l[C]eave [F]me But i[Bb]t's alr[F]ight Now [Bb]I'm not fri[F]ghtened o[Bb]f this wo[F]rld bel[C]ieve [F]me {c:BRIDGE:} I wish t[A]oday[A7] would be tom[Dm]orrow The night is d[A]ark[A7], it just brings so[Dm]rrow- l[C]et it r[Bb]ain[A] Thank you for the days Those endless days, those sacred days you gave me I'm thinkin' of the days I won't forget a single day believe me ...CHORUS ...d[A]ays Thanks you for the days Those endless days, those sacred days you gave me I'm thinkin' of the days I won't forget a single day believe me I blessed the light I blessed the light that shines on you believe me And though you're gone I won't forget a single day believe me Days...