GFGJC_REPORT_240901_WK1_[CLUB] THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF A REPORT A REPORT IS: - A TEXT FILE HANDED TO ADMIN - BY ANY GROUP LEADER (OR HIS/HER PROXY) - IT IS POSTED IN ANY OF FOUR SLOTS (THE FIRST FOUR WEEKS) IN EACH MONTH REPORTS ARE USED FOR: - GENERAL DEMOCRACY - PICKING UP ON SAFETY HAZARDS - LOBBYING FOR ISSUES ON THE AGENDA TO SEE A REPORT CLICK ON: 'MI' MINUTES 'RE' REPORT (ANYTHING FROM FINANCE TO SECRETARY'S CORESPONDENCE) 'AG' AN AGENDA (NOTICE OF MEETING) 'PO' POSTER (PUBLICITY) 'SO' SONG SHEETS PROCEDURE FOR POSTING REPORTS - GROUP LEADER (OR PROXY) EMAILS TEXT TO ADMIN - TEXT OR ANY ATTACHED MEDIA IS LINKED TO A DATE ON THE GANNT CHART REPORT FILENAME - 'GFJC_REPORT_YRMTDY_WKx_[GROUP]' eg - 'GFJC_REPORT_240901_WK1_CLUB_ANNOUNCEMENT' - 'GFJC_REPORT_240901_WK1_CLUB_POSTER' - 'GFJC_REPORT_240901_WK1_EQUIPMENT' - 'GFJC_REPORT_240901_WK1_RECORDING' - 'GFJC_REPORT_240901_WK1_SAFETY' - 'GFJC_REPORT_240901_WK1_SCHEDULING' - 'GFJC_REPORT_240901_WK1_ADMIN_MINUTES' - 'GFJC_REPORT_240901_WK1_ADMIN_FINANCE' - 'GFJC_REPORT_240901_WK1_ADMIN_AGENDA' - date in YRMTDY format - week no (of that month) from 1-4 - the related people-group (or 'club') in brackets REPORT FORMAT - TO: - FROM: - DATE: - TITLE (FILENAME): - INTRO - FACTS - OPINIONS - KEY LINKS, DATES, TIMES AND DEADLINES - SAFETY ISSUES REPORT EXAMPLE TO: ALL MEMBERS FROM: SCHEDULING GROUP (OVERSEES VENUE BOOKINGS, PERFORMERS, TIMINGS, TEN MINUTE GONGS, PUBLICITY, GAGS, DRUNKS and DRAMA QUEENS) DATE: 240901 WK No: 01 REPORT TITLE: GFGJC_REPORT_240901_WK1_SCHEDULING INTRO Hi members. We had a wonderful crowd last week. As you know we handle the scheduling of peformers and deliver presentation commentary. Last week we allowed three people to have wireless lapel mics and, we hope, that our frugal use of these tools added to the success of the jam. FACTS Performance sets 15. Singles 4. Duos 9. Groups 2. OPINIONS An informal 'Red Faces' fun vibe is evolving in the jam format and some group members bringing in their wireless lapel mic is working well for us in different ways. Fortunately, the RECORDING people had a way for three for four people to dock their receivers with the mixer. KEY LINKS, DATES, TIMES AND DEADLINES At our next jam we will call for a quick executive meeting on Sunday 240907 and propose a motion: 'LAPEL MIC PROCEDURE: TRS wireless lapel mic receivers can be docked and volume tested at the mixer before the jam starts under the auspices of the RECORDING GROUP LEADER and/or as overseen by the president'. SAFETY ISSUES - stairs on stage left need some non-slip tape to avoid any slippage